Name: The People Side of Change
Content: The People Side of Change is a three-day, highly interactive workshop developed specifically for project managers and intact project teams who are responsible for planning and implementing projects that inevitably result in organizational change. The program builds on a teams’ project management knowledge and skills, focusing on how change impacts the people in their organization and what they can do to reduce the non-productive effects of change.

The People Side of Change follows a unique design, bringing some of the industry’s best leadership tools to the table. Project teams move through a series of topics, applying the new knowledge and tools to their own change initiatives—culminating in a business simulation where they get the chance to practice their new skills from the week.

Day 1 Morning Session: Organization Simulation, part 1

The morning kicks off with a whirlwind of activity in the Organization Simulation—a “yawn-free” way of introducing the participants to the dynamics of systemic business change where the group replicates the intricacies (and challenges) of organizational life. The simulation serves as both a benchmark here, and later as a capstone on the final day of the program. A theme from this session that permeates the entire program is one of creating and sustaining partnership. Specifically, the questions we explore in this session are:
  • What would an organization look like if partnership permeated throughout?
  • What gets in the way of that happening?
  • What does it take to make it happen?
Day 1 Afternoon Session: Foundations for Change

In this session, the group builds on the experiences from the Organization Simulation and explores how people move through The Change Curve—from Denial through Action—and what kinds of breakdowns occur in a system to create the kinds of reactions (often negative ones) to change we typically see in business today.

Day 2 Morning Session: Building Trust in the Workplace™

Participants examine how trust, betrayal, and healing show up in the workplace—especially during times of turbulence or uncertainty. During the session, they will evaluate the value of building a strong foundation of trust in the workplace during times of change and transition, determine opportunities to strengthen the trust among project team members, and raise awareness of project team members’ individual trust building behaviors in terms of Dennis and Michelle Reina’s Transactional Trust Model.

Day 2 Afternoon Session: Group Dynamics

Change strikes close to the hearts (and fears) of everyone affected inside and outside the organization. For any change initiative to be successful, it’s critical that project teams and leaders understand how a person’s deep-seeded needs for inclusion, control, and openness are (or are not) being met by the organization. This session introduces the FIRO-B, an acronym that stands for Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation – Behavior. In this session, program participants will explore their own behaviors and those of others around the need for inclusion, control, and openness. They will also examine how those behaviors play out in teams during times of change.

Day 3 Morning Session: Conflict Management & Crucial Conversations

As project and change leaders, it’s critical that participants have access to a variety of approaches to handling conflict and that they are adept at initiating crucial conversations. In this session, team members will use the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument to raise their awareness of their own natural conflict style, analyze the effectiveness of their style in various conflict situations, and learn how to recognize conflict styles of others to facilitate more effective resolutions.

Moving through conflict requires specific communication skills, and the tools provided in the Crucial Conversations segment of the morning will enable participants to immediately practice new, more effective behaviors for holding those “crucial conversations.” Crucial conversations include those where there are opposing views, strong emotions, and high stakes.

Day 3 Afternoon Session: Organization Simulation #2

In this capstone event, we recreate the business simulation from the first day and challenge the teams’ abilities to apply some of their lessons learned from the week. We close the program with a dialogue reviewing how each of the new concepts and corresponding tools can apply to the change projects underway back in the participants’ organizations.
Facilitators: Denise Renter and Tracie Reveal Shipman are co-facilitators of the People Side of Change Workshop and are certified facilitators of the tools and concepts presented in the program.
Time: 8:30 – 5:30 each day
Location: Dallas, Texas
Fees: Marsha Clark & Associates is offering a group discount rate for companies that register multiple participants in our People Side of Change Workshops. Participants do not have to attend the same workshop to qualify for the group discount.

$2000/participant for 1-3 registrations
$1800/participant for 4-7 registrations
$1500/participant for 8 or more registrations

Workshop fees cover all program assessment tools, materials, and one hard copy of the People Side of Change Toolkit.

To qualify for this group rate, please contact us directly at (972) 625-3884 or e-mail us at

To Register Click Here

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