A Program of Opportunity for Women's Exploration and Realization

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Responding authentically to the challenges of reality, vision, ethics and courage
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Capitalizing on your unique leadership strengths as a woman
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Integrating your personal and professional choices to create a healthy lifestyle
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Discovering women allies to support your growth
Marsha Clark & Associates offers these opportunities and more in The POWER of Self, a unique program designed to inspire and strengthen women leaders.

The POWER of Self is a year-long training program, enhanced by individual coaching, that offers women greater clarity and a strategic framework for making deliberate choices in all dimensions of their lives. At the conclusion of the program, participants report substantial growth in their ability to:
Provide confident leadership
Gain clarity and self awareness
Create more effective working relationships
Develop greater trust in supporting and mentoring women
Become a powerful resource for shared learning in their organization
The POWER of Self modules—six in all—take a whole-systems approach that one participant described as “leadership development with a heart.” Working from the inside out, the modules offer an extended laboratory in which to develop the three levels of leadership skills: individual, group and organizational.
The training focuses first on individual power and offers the opportunity to appreciate one’s own unique qualities. Participants develop a common language with which to speak about their differences and create a safe environment to explore behaviors and beliefs about power. Each participant has the opportunity to gain valuable insights into her own views of authentic leadership.
Individual work continues, but the focus shifts to the development of groups and teams. Participants begin creating a genuine community of women supporting women as they explore issues of inclusion, control, and openness, trust and betrayal, and “feminine” and “masculine” approaches to conflict, competition, risk and influence.
Participants now learn to think systemically, experiencing the four roles of organizational life—“Top, Middle, Bottom and Customer”—that affect all leaders’ choices. Participants explore the dynamics of diversity and strategize ways to build powerful partnerships across organizational lines.
30 Hours of Individual Coaching
Professional coaches will begin working with individual participants prior to Module 1 to help each woman develop a Learning Contract to focus her professional goals for the duration of the training. Then, throughout the program, coaches will provide one-on-one support as she applies each module’s content to the goals of her Learning Contract. To ensure sustainable change, coaches will continue to work with each woman for two months after the formal training ends.

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Marsha Clark
& Associates

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