America's leading nonprofit organization working to advance women in business
and the professions.
National Association for Female Executives (NAFE)
The largest dues-paying member organization for businesswomen,
serving 125,000 women in the United States.
Professional Thinking Partners
PTP is a network of consultants helping individuals and organizations who
seek to increase performance by focusing on collaborative intelligence,
intellectual diversity, and personal and professional sustainability.

Power & Systems
Provides high impact programs, publications and services based
on the human systems perspectives of Barry Oshry.
Chagnon & Reina Associates
Devoted to working with organizations that want to build trust in the workplace
and leaders who want a capable workforce.
The Institute for Women's Leadership
Provides leadership training and maintains a global network of women from corporations, emerging businesses, not-for-profit organizations and the public sector, who are committed to making a difference with their lives.
Wisdom Works
Helping businesses, leaders and individuals achieve
success in changing times and redefining "success" to
include both wealth and well-being.

The Axelrod Group
Helped to pioneer the use of large groups to bring about
organizational change. Its Conference Model® process for redesigning organizations
and processes has received international recognition in books, articles and videos.

Dottie Gandy
Author and highly sought-after speaker, presenter and
facilitator, with considerable experience as a
corporate executive and entrepreneur.
ATW - Alliance of Technology and Women
The ATW supports women and men worldwide who share the common interests of
empowering women in technology, increasing the number of women in executive
roles and encouraging women and girls to enter technology fields.
J Powell Group
Workshops, consulting and keynotes speeches designed to enable leaders,
teams and individuals to communicate, work together and achieve their goals.
Uniquely Kneaded
A premiere full service stress management company. We work with companies to reduce employee stress by offering lunch and learn programs, seminars, massage therapy, products and human resource plans.

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Marsha Clark
& Associates

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