While some women prefer to learn through workshops, others enjoy the personal attention they receive in one-on-one coaching. Marsha Clark & Associates currently offers four coaching programs exclusively for women.


Executive Greatness

As a current woman executive or someone preparing for that role, are you truly stepping into your greatness? This program helps you do just that. Based on the remarkable work of leadership guru, Dr. Peter Koestenbaum, you learn how to expand your "leadership presence" with greater self-confidence and power so that you can attain more impactful organizational results.

$300/hour. The length of the program is based on the life issues you face.
Designing a Life that Matters

What kind of life do you want to live … do you choose to live? Most of us find ourselves unconsciously following paths laid before us rather than designing a life based on what matters most to us. This program provides an opportunity for you to explore these life questions in the intimacy of a coaching relationship.

$200/hour. The length of the program is based on the life issues you face.
Gracefully Navigating Life Transitions

We all face change. Yet all changes don't feel the same. As women, each phase of life brings new challenges, insights, concerns and capabilities. Whether a birth or death, moving into a new period of life or a shift into a new role, this program will help you understand your unique capability to change. And, you'll move through a life transition you are currently experiencing with greater ease and personal learning.

$200/hour. The length of the program is based on the life issues you face.
Managing to My Strengths

Leadership is about transforming ideas into results. Recent studies by The Gallup Organization show that top-notch leaders - no matter what field - know how to bring their strengths to their leadership and how to inspire the talents of others. In this program, you will identify your distinctive strengths, and determine how to use strengths as a more productive leader.

$200/hour. The length of the program is based on the life issues you face.
Design Your Own Program

Don't see a targeted program that fits your unique situation? Our coaches have facilitated powerful results with clients in many areas not mentioned here. Tell us what you would like to achieve and our professional coaching team will help design a program that's right for you. The cost of the program will vary based on your issues.


Prices for all coaching programs include materials provided for your learning.

Contact us at (972) 625-3884 to learn more about our coaching programs,
or contact Lynn Sheppard at lsheppard@powerofself.com

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