Marsha Clark & Associates invites you to join us in a luncheon setting where professional women come together to network and gain new insights into issues affecting their personal and professional lives.

Inspiring vs. Motivating – The Dramatic Effect it Can have on your Organization.

Course Description:

Have you noticed that our workplaces have become less and less a place we want to be, and more of a place that we have to be? Somehow, in the midst of the world and economy issues and the continual searching for the brass ring, have we become less human in the workplace?

Is a component of this the way we treat people? Do we motivate them or inspire them?

Motivation comes from a place of self-concern – (I want you to change your behavior with a reward or incentive so that if you meet the targets set for you, I will meet my needs and goals). Inspiration, on the other hand comes from a place of love and service, with no strings attached. (I love you and wish to serve you and teach you and to help you grow).

Come and be inspired around ways that you can make your workplace more human – where you can have people working from their heart instead of their head – and still delivering on results in an extraordinary manner.

Facilitator: Amy Newman Carnell

Facilitator Bio: Amy's career has run the lengths and depths of oil and gas accounting to management consulting to human resources, and ultimately organizational development. She worked with several different independent oil and gas companies prior to joining PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting in 1991. She was with them for 11 years, worked a year with a leadership development company, and now is at Fidelity Investments serving in the capacity of a Management Effectiveness Consultant. Her focus in this job is executive coaching, leadership development and organizational development of executives and their teams.

Executive Luncheon Logistics:

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 20th
11:30 am – 2:00 pm
Location: Canyon Creek Country Club, Richardson  
Cost: $50, including lunch  

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